Best Proven Ways to Capture Missouri Moles Effectively

Moles are nuisance Columbia creatures that will spend most of their time underground. Their average length is about 7 inches and may weigh at about 4lbs. Since the moles will love to eat billbugs and grubs, their presence will mean that there are pests in your yard. When hunting their food, they will dig the soil that can cause different damages. They may cause structural damages and disrupt the growth of the plants.

Trapping Methods that Can Effectively Catch Missouri Moles

There are different methods that you can use to capture the moles and put a stop on their infestation. The whole process will start on finding the tunnel of the mole. Look for the hill of the moles; this would be the surface that will be soft to your touch. The moles also prefer to establish their tunnels close to the barriers and fence.

Using a Trap

After finding a Columbia mole tunnel, you will have to know if it is active. Step on the tunnel that will make the ground collapse. Leave it for a few days and in case the ground has been dug again, then this is a sign of active mole infestation. After this, you will have to dig the portion of the tunnel in order to expose it. Make sure that the opening will be enough to fit the trap. There are various traps that you can use such as

  • Choker-loop Trap- When setting up this Missouri trap, you will need to dig deeper than the actual depth of the tunnel. You will place this trap in a manner that it will be proportionate to the angle and direction of the mole tunnel. You will then have to pack the space with soil that will prompt the mole to keep digging until they have been captured with the trap.
  • Harpoon Trap-this is a lethal trap that will be set above the tunnel. The legs of this trap will be pushed on the side of the tunnels.

  • Using a Bucket

    You can also use a simple bucket to capture the Missouri moles. You will need to dig hole that will be beyond the base of the tunnel. You should be able to fit a bucket that has a capacity of about 2-5 gallons through the runway of the mole. Block the runway using soil. This will encourage the creature to continue digging until they fell down the bucket. Cover the hole using a plank of plywood or board that will keep the section dark. Once this is done, you simply have to retrieve the creature and release them in another location.

    For those who find the removal process a bit overwhelming, there are Columbia mole removal specialists that will help you in maintaining a yard that is free from this burrowing creature. They will not only capture the moles, they will also conduct preventative measures that will provide you with a long-term result. They will be able to determine the best way to dispose the creature.

    Visit our Columbia wildlife trapping home page to learn more about us.